"There are men, in all ages, who mean to exercise power usefully; but who mean to exercise it. They mean to govern well; but they mean to govern. They promise to be kind masters; but they mean to be masters." Daniel Webster

Sunday, June 27, 2010

If Ed Wood Spoke Portuguese

IFC has been running a bunch of Coffin Joe films. I taped several of them and am finally getting around to watching them. At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul has its moments, but a lot of these are hard to get through.

1 comment:

Jimmy Espy said...

I bought a box set of Coffin Joe stories several years ago and was disappointed. They look cool, somewhat inthe manner of the Universal stuff from the 1930s, but the Coffin Joe charcter was one-note and tiresome. Not much in the way of stories. The one where he goes to hell has some interersting shots in it but most of the ones I saw were dull. You are welcome to borrow the set.