"There are men, in all ages, who mean to exercise power usefully; but who mean to exercise it. They mean to govern well; but they mean to govern. They promise to be kind masters; but they mean to be masters." Daniel Webster

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Brutal. But Fair?

Over at Abu Muqawama, Andrew Exum posts on the loyalty supposedly shown by Goldman Sachs executives to their employees and compares it unfavorably to the loyalty show by senior military officers to their junior officers, which leads another former Amry Ranger to comment:

Your Ranger RGT offered up Lt. Uthlaut as the scapegoat for Pat Tillman’s friendly-fire death and kicked him out of the RGT (by the way, Uthlaut was hit in the face by a SAW round during the incident). Uthlaut was no slouch, he was the First Captain of his West Point class, and had vehemently protested the stupid orders from the TOC to split his platoon.

His superiors? All promoted. The RGT commander, Col. Nixon got his star. The XO (“The Lost Kauz” in a book about the Surge) who led the 15-6 “investigation” was promoted to Full Bird. And General McChrystal (who was in charge of fabricating Tillman’s Silver Star and personally led the cover-up on the ground in Afghanistan)? Of course, he got his fourth star.

What about your Ranger values “to never fail a comrade” and Nate’s “sember fi”? Just more hypocritical BS! At least when it comes to having the back of your fellow Ranger Pat Tillman and his mother Mary Tillman (“From the time I was very little, I was aware of my father’s pride in being a Marine. When I was three years old … I would stand between my parents, feet digging into the soft leather of the big front seat, and sing the entire Marine Corps Hymn at the top of my lungs” from her “Boots on the Ground by Dusk”).

Last year(“Confirm Him” 6-02-09) you wrote in your blog, “The bottom line is, nothing is ever going to heal the wounds inflicted on the Tillman Family … And while I have nothing but respect for the Tillman Family…, their personal grief should not be a veto on the nomination of the man [General McChrystal] … These are serious questions and are more important than either the death of Pat Tillman or the alleged abuse of detainees.”
I liked both you and Nate better when you were LTs. Now, you’re both just a pair of Beltway “suits.”

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