"There are men, in all ages, who mean to exercise power usefully; but who mean to exercise it. They mean to govern well; but they mean to govern. They promise to be kind masters; but they mean to be masters." Daniel Webster

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Show Me Your Papers!

Seth Meyers, on Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update last night looked at Arizona's new anti-immigration law, which allows the police to demand ID from anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant to to arrest those who can't prove to their satisfaction that they belong here:

I notice the people in Arizona worry that Obama is acting like Hitler. But can we all agree that there is nothing more Nazi than saying "Show me your papers"? There's never been a World War II movie that didn't include the line "show me your papers." It's their catchphrase. Every time someone says "Show me your papers" Hitler's family gets a residual check. So head's up Arizona, that's fascism. I know, I know. It's a dry fascism, but it's still fascism.

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